A Photographic Atlas of Marine Biology

By Gary D. Wisehart, Erin C. Rempala, Michael J. Leboffe  •  
•  320
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Print ISBN  9780895827852
• eBook ISBN  9781617310294
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This full-color photographic atlas is designed to supplement any introductory lecture or laboratory marine biology course. It provides a visual reference for students, with clear photographs and diagrams of marine ecosystems as well as organisms similar to specimens seen in a marine biology laboratory. It is designed to assist students in taxonomy and microscopy of commonly studied marine organisms. High quality photographs of living specimens provide a balanced visual representation of the major groups of marine life.

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Table of Contents
  • More than 1,300 high-quality, full-color photographs, micrographs, and illustrations throughout the atlas provide a detailed representation of specimens and environments.
  • The organisms and environments covered are ubiquitous, representative, or common to littoral and nearshore sublittoral habitats, including tropical to polar latitudes, or have some unique characteristics that make them worthy of general study.
  • A dynamic art program shows important anatomical, embryological, or morphological details. Select organism life cycles are presented throughout the Atlas.
  • Phylogenies, cladograms, and developmental pattern diagrams are featured frequently throughout the book to provide understanding of evolutionary relationships.
  • Selected organisms are generally available from standard biological or marine aquarium supply houses for those studying marine biology without the advantage of having access to freshly collected specimens.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Marine Biodiversity, Taxonomy , and Phylogeny
Chapter 2 - Marine Bacteria and Archaea
Chapter 3 - Planktonic Heterotrophs
Chapter 4 - Simple Eukaryotic, Planktonic, and Benthic Autotrophs
Chapter 5 - Porifera
Chapter 6 - Cnidaria
Chapter 7 - Ctenophora
Chapter 8 - Platyhelminthes
Chpater 9 - Ectoprocta
Chapter 10 - Brachiopoda
Chapter 11 - Mollusca
Chpater 12 - Annelida
Chapter 13 - Sipuncula
Chapter 14 - Nematoda
Chapter 15 - Tardigrada
Chapter 16 - Arthropoda
Chapter 17 - Chaetognatha
Chapter 18 - Echinodermata
Chapter 19 - Hemichordata
Chapter 20 - Introduction to the Marine Chordata
Chapter 21 - Urochordata and Cephalochordata
Chapter 22 - Craniata
Chapter 23 - Chondrichthyes
Chapter 24 - Osteichthyes
Chapter 25 - Amphibia and Reptilia
Chapter 26 - Aves
Chapter 27 - Mammalia
Chapter 28 - Macroalgae
Chapter 29 - Rhodophyta
Chapter 30 - Chlorophyta
Chapter 31 - Phaeophyceae
Chapter 32 - Marine Anthophyta
Chapter 33 - Marine Habitats